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Center Services

Service started in 2009

Humanity and Health Medical Group was established in 2009 and is located in the heart of Hong Kong. The center has internationally recognized diagnostic technology and equipment, and advanced medical and laboratory instruments provide accurate medical diagnosis. The center has always emphasized precision medicine, combined with personalized care, to provide a variety of specialist medical services; specialist medical services include gastroenterology and hepatology, surgery, oncology, obstetrics and gynecology, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, etc. We plan to continue to expand and add more medical service categories in the future, in order to provide patients with comprehensive services that meet customer needs. We also hope that they can receive treatment in a quiet and comfortable environment with peace of mind.


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Comprehensive Medical Services

Since the opening of the center, we have been doing our best to continuously introduce advanced medical equipment, improve the internal and external environment of the center, become partners with many specialist doctors, and employ qualified and recognized nursing staff and technical personnel to ensure that patients receive appropriate medical and nursing services and achieve holistic care.


Hepatitis B Evaluation and Treatment

Hepatitis B (HBV) is caused by the HBV virus. Nearly one in ten adults in Hong Kong are carriers of HBV. The virus is transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, through contact with infected blood or instruments, and through sexual contact. HBV can cause acute hepatitis, and can also lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer. The liver is the main organ of metabolism in the body and is responsible for many important tasks, such as breaking down toxins, providing energy, producing essential proteins for the human body, regulating hormones, minerals, and vitamin supply, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to have regular hepatitis B liver tests to ensure liver health.


Liver fibrosis assessment and treatment

The liver of patients with chronic liver disease is always in an inflamed state, liver cells are constantly damaged, and the liver slowly forms fibrosis. When the fiber accumulates too much, it will progress to cirrhosis. In addition to leading to liver failure, cirrhosis is also the main cause of liver cancer. High-risk individuals such as hepatitis B carriers, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis patients should undergo liver function and alpha-fetoprotein serum tests every 6-9 months, and cooperate with liver ultrasound examinations to detect any abnormalities or tumors as early as possible and treat them. The general public, especially those at high risk of fatty liver and liver fibrosis such as obesity, alcoholism, lack of exercise, and patients with three highs, are also recommended to undergo regular liver examinations. How to diagnose liver fibrosis? Physical examination: Fibroscan A non-invasive test that uses vibration waves and ultrasound waves to measure whether the liver is affected by chronic liver disease and causes fibrosis or sclerosis. However, it cannot reflect the degree of liver inflammation, and obese people may not be suitable for this scan. Liver Biopsy It is the standard for diagnosing liver fibrosis and can also diagnose the degree of liver inflammation. After the patient receives local anesthesia, the doctor will use a very fine hollow needle to extract a biopsy sample, which will then be sent to the laboratory for analysis. This is an invasive test and there are risks. The doctor will decide whether to perform this test depending on the situation. Treatment of liver fibrosis: Eliminate the pathogenic factors of the primary disease, such as anti-HBV and hepatitis C virus treatment, quit drinking, adjust lifestyle including balanced diet, more exercise, etc. Notes: You need to fast for 4 hours before ultrasound examination. The examination takes about ten minutes. During the process, the doctor or nurse will use an instrument to gently press the abdomen, which is non-invasive and painless. You need to fast for 2 hours before liver fibrosis scan. During the examination, the doctor or nurse will use an instrument to gently press the abdomen, which is non-invasive and painless. You need to fast for 6 hours before liver puncture biopsy, which takes about 10-15 minutes. This is an invasive examination. The patient needs to receive local anesthesia. The doctor will use a needle to extract the patient's liver tissue for testing, which has the risk of bleeding.


Hepatitis C Evaluation and Treatment

Hepatitis C (HCV) is caused by the HCV, which is divided into 6 genotypes. All genotypes can cause acute or chronic hepatitis, the latter of which can develop into cirrhosis or liver cancer. HCV can be transmitted through the mother, blood (such as sharing syringes), and sexual contact. The incubation period of HCV is 2 weeks to 6 months. Possible symptoms include yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and darker urine color such as tea. Confirmed HCV patients need to undergo regular blood liver function and physical examinations and follow-up to ensure liver health.


Liver Cancer Screening and Treatment

Liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Hong Kong, and there were approximately 1,800 new cases of liver cancer in 2019. Liver cancer has no obvious symptoms at first, and in many cases it is already in the late stage when it is discovered, with a higher mortality rate. Therefore, high-risk individuals such as hepatitis B carriers, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis patients should undergo liver function and alpha-fetoprotein serum tests every 6-9 months, and liver ultrasound examinations to detect any abnormalities or tumors as early as possible and receive treatment. The general public, especially those at high risk of fatty liver and liver fibrosis such as those who are obese, alcoholic, lack of exercise, and patients with three highs, are also advised to undergo regular liver examinations.


Fatty Liver Disease Assessment and Treatment

The human liver contains little or no fat. When the fat in the liver exceeds 5% or 10%, it can be defined as fatty liver and moderate fatty liver respectively. Fatty liver can be divided into two categories, namely non-alcoholic fatty liver and alcoholic fatty liver. The former is caused by excessive obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and blood lipids caused by unbalanced diet, while the latter is caused by excessive alcohol intake. Fatty liver has no symptoms in the early stage. Many people only find that there is a problem with the liver when the condition is serious and scars (i.e. fibrosis) appear in the liver and then become cirrhosis with symptoms such as vomiting, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, yellow eyes and skin, and abdominal distension. Fatty liver can even lead to liver cancer. Therefore, regular liver examinations can help detect fatty liver and receive treatment early, thereby reducing the risk of progression to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.



Endoscopic examination uses a flexible tube to enter the upper gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to observe whether there is inflammation, ulcers, tumors, suspected internal bleeding or other conditions. If necessary, tissue samples can be taken for testing and diagnosis, and polypectomy can also be performed. Preparation before the examination - Fasting is required for six hours before the examination. - Before the examination, the doctor will conduct a brief consultation and examination, explain the examination process and risks, explain in detail, and sign the examination consent form. Examination process - Before the examination, you need to remove non-fixed dentures, glasses, contact lenses and all metal objects on your body. - Before the examination, the patient will generally receive local anesthesia and sedative injections, and the examination will be performed after falling asleep to reduce possible discomfort. - The endoscope will pass through the mouth, esophagus and stomach, and enter the duodenum for examination. - The examination process takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Rest after the examination - The patient can rest in a special private lounge and sleep for 15 to 30 minutes to let the sedative wear off. Family members can accompany them during the rest period. Notes after the examination - The patient needs to be accompanied by family members or relatives. - Because sedatives can temporarily affect coordination and judgment, you should avoid driving, drinking alcohol, making any important decisions, or signing legal documents within 24 hours after the examination or surgery.


2019 Coronavirus Vaccination Programme

  • Citizens can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at private clinics' COVID-19 vaccination stations, or make an appointment directly with private doctors and clinics participating in the vaccination program to receive the Sinovac vaccine or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

  • Hong Kong residents aged 6 months to under 18 years and 50 years or above can choose to receive influenza vaccination at the same time for free at designated vaccination sites. For details, please click here . Eligible persons can make an appointment for both vaccines at the same time through this system.

If you wish to receive the 2019 coronavirus vaccine at our center, please select the following vaccination location in the reservation system:

Sinovac "CoronaVac" > Private clinic COVID-19 vaccination station

Hong Kong Island > Central - Room 2101, 9 Queen's Road Central - Tianxia Renxin (Sinovac)

Fosun/BioNTech "Fubitai" > Private clinic COVID-19 vaccination station

Hong Kong Island > Central - Room 1401-02, 9 Queen's Road Central - Tian Xia Ren Xin (Fu Bi Tai)



Colonoscopy uses a flexible tube to enter various parts of the colon from the anus, including the sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon and cecum to observe whether there is inflammation, ulcers, tumors or lesions. If necessary, tissue samples can be taken for testing and diagnosis, and polypectomy can also be performed. Preparation before the examination: Two to three days before the examination: Eat low-residue foods (such as white rice, noodles, biscuits, tofu, fish), and avoid high-fiber foods (such as oatmeal, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, fatty meat, barbecued food). On the day of the examination or the day before: Only liquid food such as porridge or gravy can be consumed, but do not drink excessive amounts of milk and beverages. Fasting is required for six hours before the examination. Before the examination, the doctor will conduct a brief consultation and examination, explain the examination process and risks, explain in detail, and sign the examination consent form. Examination process: Before the examination, non-fixed dentures, glasses, contact lenses and all metal objects on the body must be removed. The medical staff will first inject a sedative into the patient to reduce possible discomfort. The patient remains lying on his left side with his knees bent to his abdomen. During the period, the medical staff will closely monitor the patient's vital signs. The examination process is completed in about thirty minutes to one hour. Notes after the examination: Generally speaking, patients can resume normal diet after fully awakening. If a biopsy or polypectomy is performed, it is recommended to eat low-residue food for one day and then gradually increase the fiber content in the diet the next day. At the same time, avoid eating stimulating, spicy food and drinking alcohol. During the examination, gas will be injected to expand the intestines, so there will be slight abdominal distension and farting after the examination, which will naturally improve after the intestines absorb or discharge through the anus. The patient needs to be accompanied by family members or relatives to leave. Since sedatives can have a temporary effect on coordination and judgment, you should avoid driving, drinking, making any important decisions, or signing legal documents within 24 hours after the examination or surgery.


Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery

Traditional hemorrhoidectomy can treat more serious hemorrhoids. Both internal and external hemorrhoids can be removed, but the trauma is relatively large. The operation takes about an hour. Circumferential hemorrhoidectomy (hemorrhoid gun surgery) Circumferential hemorrhoidectomy is currently the most commonly used surgical method for hemorrhoid removal. The hemorrhoid gun is used to push the loose and prolapsed tissue back into the anus for correction and removal. There is basically no exposed wound after the operation, the pain is mild, and the recovery time is greatly shortened compared to patients undergoing traditional excision surgery. Doppler ultrasound-guided hemorrhoid artery ligation (HAL) Doppler ultrasound-guided hemorrhoid artery ligation (HAL) uses ultrasound to accurately detect the location of hemorrhoidal blood vessels and ligate them to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing them to wither and die. HAL has been popular in foreign countries for some time and has significant effects. Its advantages are that it does not require surgery, only minor discomfort after the operation, and the risk of complications or side effects is low, so no hospitalization is required. Bipolar vascular closure hemorrhoidectomy (BOWA 350 diathermy) Our center has introduced the bipolar vascular closure system developed by BOWA, a German high-frequency electrosurgery medical equipment supplier. In addition to the effect of heat therapy, this treatment can also promote blood circulation and accelerate tissue healing. This sophisticated and advanced technology can preset more than 20 programs for various surgeries, and can also continuously set software control programs. The system will continuously monitor the contact area between the loop electrode and the patient. If there is a problem, it will issue an audible and visual alarm. The data transmission is fast and accurate to ensure the safety of the operation. When this technology is applied during surgery, the cutting speed is fast, the hemostasis effect is improved, the trauma to the tissue is reduced, and the wound recovery time is greatly shortened. The system is used in hemorrhoidectomy to reduce the side effects and complications of postoperative pain and bleeding. Preoperative preparation - Fast for six hours before surgery. - Laxation will be performed before the operation. - Before the operation, the doctor will conduct a brief consultation and examination, explain the surgical process and risks, and sign the consent form for the operation. Rest after the operation - After the anesthesia wears off, the wound will be painful. - The slight pain after the operation will disappear within a few days. - No need to stay in the hospital, you can go home and rest immediately, and your normal life will not be affected. - Please take the medicine prescribed by the doctor on time. - You can apply ice packs or rest in bed with your hips raised with a soft pillow to relieve pain. We also work closely with different surgeons to find a suitable surgical plan to help you make a treatment decision. Moreover, you can choose the hospital of your choice for the surgery, for example: ﹝1﹞Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital ﹝2﹞Hong Kong Adventist Hospital ﹝3﹞St. Paul’s Hospital ﹝4﹞Hong Kong Baptist Hospital ﹝5﹞St. Teresa’s Hospital ﹝6﹞Union Hospital


Rubber band ligation for hemorrhoids

Common hernias are divided into two types: inguinal hernia and wound hernia. Inguinal hernia is more common and is caused by weak inguinal muscle fascia or congenital abdominal wall defects. Wound hernia is more likely to occur in abdominal surgical wounds. The treatment of hernia is mainly surgical. Inguinal hernia uses local, hemiplegia or whole body paralysis, while wound hernia mostly uses general anesthesia. Preoperative preparation: - Fill out an anesthesia and surgery consent form. - Before the operation, the nurse will shave off excess hair for you. - Fasting starts 6 hours before the operation. Precautions after surgery: - The wound will feel tight and painful 1~2 weeks after surgery. This is normal. The doctor will prescribe painkillers to relieve the pain. - The wound should be kept clean and dry. If the gauze is wet, please tell the nurse to change the gauze for you. - You should lie flat on the bed after surgery. If you want to sit semi-lying, you should bend your knees to avoid increasing abdominal pressure. - Usually, you can get out of bed and move around on the day after surgery. When getting out of bed, first move your side to the side of the bed, lie on your side, and support your body with your side arm. When you want to lie down, first sit on the side of the bed, support your body with your side arm, and lie down slowly from your side. We also work closely with different surgeons to find the right surgical plan and help you make a decision on your treatment. Moreover, you can choose the hospital of your choice for surgery, such as: ﹝1﹞Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital ﹝2﹞Hong Kong Adventist Hospital ﹝3﹞St. Paul's Hospital ﹝4﹞Hong Kong Baptist Hospital ﹝5﹞St. Teresa's Hospital ﹝6﹞Union Hospital


Common hernias are divided into two types: inguinal hernia and wound hernia. Inguinal hernia is more common and is caused by weak inguinal muscle fascia or congenital abdominal wall defects. Wound hernia is more likely to occur in abdominal surgical wounds. The treatment of hernia is mainly surgical. Inguinal hernia uses local, hemiplegia or whole body paralysis, while wound hernia mostly uses general anesthesia. Preoperative preparation: - Fill out an anesthesia and surgery consent form. - Before the operation, the nurse will shave off excess hair for you. - Fasting starts 6 hours before the operation. Precautions after surgery: - The wound will feel tight and painful 1~2 weeks after surgery. This is normal. The doctor will prescribe painkillers to relieve the pain. - The wound should be kept clean and dry. If the gauze is wet, please tell the nurse to change the gauze for you. - You should lie flat on the bed after surgery. If you want to sit semi-lying, you should bend your knees to avoid increasing abdominal pressure. - Usually, you can get out of bed and move around on the day after surgery. When getting out of bed, first move your side to the side of the bed, lie on your side, and support your body with your side arm. When you want to lie down, first sit on the side of the bed, support your body with your side arm, and lie down slowly from your side. We also work closely with different surgeons to find the right surgical plan and help you make a decision on your treatment. Moreover, you can choose the hospital of your choice for surgery, such as: ﹝1﹞Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital ﹝2﹞Hong Kong Adventist Hospital ﹝3﹞St. Paul's Hospital ﹝4﹞Hong Kong Baptist Hospital ﹝5﹞St. Teresa's Hospital ﹝6﹞Union Hospital


Minor and medium surgery

The scope of surgery includes tumor removal, partial organ removal, reductive surgery, chest surgery, heart surgery, craniotomy, body reorganization surgery and palliative surgery (such as pain relief). Local anesthesia surgery process After the patient falls asleep after receiving an intravenous sedative injection, a local anesthetic is injected into the surgical site and then the surgery is performed. The patient will not feel discomfort during the operation. Preoperative preparation Fasting for four hours before the examination: Before the operation, the doctor will conduct a brief consultation and examination, explain the examination process and risks, and sign the consent form for the operation. Before the examination, you need to remove non-fixed dentures, glasses, contact lenses and all metal objects on your body. Surgery process: After receiving the intravenous sedative injection, the patient will fall asleep. The surgical site will be disinfected and locally anesthetized before the operation, and there will generally be no adverse reactions during the process. The duration of the operation depends on the type of surgery. Resting after the operation: A private rest room is specially set up for the patient to rest after the operation to allow the sedative to dissipate. Family members can accompany you during the rest period. You can eat after waking up after the operation. The local anesthetic will dissipate within one to two hours after the operation. At that time, the wound will have different degrees of pain depending on the type and location of the operation. The doctor will give the patient painkillers and will also instruct the method of wound care. We also have close contact with different surgeons to find a suitable surgical plan to help you make a treatment decision. Moreover, you can choose the hospital of your choice for the surgery, for example: ﹝1﹞Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital ﹝2﹞Hong Kong Adventist Hospital ﹝3﹞St. Paul’s Hospital ﹝4﹞Hong Kong Baptist Hospital ﹝5﹞St. Teresa’s Hospital ﹝6﹞Union Hospital

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​天 下 仁 心 醫 療 集 團

Humanity and Health Medical Group

Day Medical Centre Licence No. DP000128

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